TCAR KiDs at Home

Parent's simply follow these steps to enjoy TCAR KiD's with your family at home!

TCAR KiDs At Home Resources

      Step 1:  Lesson Overview


                   Lesson Guide: Paul and Silas Started Churches



     Step 2 :  Worship Together

                    Jesus Savior

     Step 3:  Watch the Bible Story Video



                  Lesson Video: Paul and Silas Started Churches

      Step 4:  Answer Questions and Complete Activities


                   Download Activity Pages (PreK)

                   Download Activity Pages (Elementary)

                   Download Journal Page (Older Elementary)

      Step 5:  Gospel Presentation Video

      Step 6:  Share Photos and Videos from your TCAR KiDs at Home  

                   experience! Tag the church or TCAR KiD's  #TCARatHome

      Step 7:  Reach out to somebody you missed seeing at church today.  Tell  

                   them you missed them and you can't wait until we get to be back
